1. get on top of all the outstanding orders over the weekend and Monday when i was poorly (yet again) all apologies for any small delays.
3. Rush out to local Quilting shop and buy a big spool of pink thread to finish todays deadline project.
4. Get a filling in one of my toothys at the dentist... and cry like a baby whilst sat in the chair (i'm dentist-phobic. Pathetic isn't it?) Then talk funny and dribble for the next 3 hours.
5. Finish a new Brooch batch >>>> for LauraFallulah (see her shop link in my side bar) *waves at Laura*
Live, Life, Love, Craft x
p.s. i have a cool new series of posts coming throughout December, to get you feeling ultra festive.
not pathetic at all being dentist phobic! not the greatest of places to kill half an hour :/
I'm so with you there, I had a filling yesterday and the orthodontist today....way too much time in the 'chair'!!
Ali x
busy busy busy! the knitted bows are crazy cute! i love the colours
oh FIshy, my love! I too weep like a baby in the dentist chair! I am sure it can't be so unusual that they have to look over at the dental nurse in such a way to suggest that you are completely bonkers.....you know what I mean?!
I am enormously proud of you!
Keep well! Don't make me come down there with noodles and broth! I am a brutally lovely nurse! x
it was the orthodontist in my childhood who gave me the fear in the first place!! aaarrgghhh - i have the sweetest new dentist who gave me a cuddle! (shame) good job i didn't have the daughter with me!
I love the little cat on your desk! Where did he come from?
And your new bows are lovely! :)
I love all the things you make! Can you tell me where the next craft show is that you'll be at as I'd love to see them in the flesh
Those bow brooches are gorgeous!
love what you have been making. I have a massive fear of going to the dentist, i could cry at the thought of it! xx
It is such a relief to know that I am not the only one with a rock'n'roll lifestyle. And I hope business booms for you this weekend!
Pomona x
I am totally loving the new turquoise doggy brooches. Got them in the morning and they were in my shop by lunch time.
Loves you miss fish.
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