I haven't quilted anything since i was about 13 years old.
I tried quilting when my mum bought me a book called "
Happy Quilts"... i probably still have one or two hand-stitched hexagony 'shapes', half started and never finished, in a mothy box somewhere.
My mum wasn't a confident seamistress and didn't feel able to hand down what untrained knowledge she did posess, so, in turn, i never felt equipped with the confidence to continue.

20 years later... (can that be true?) and i am an entirely different being.... indeed, i am now a
I had it in my head last week that i was going to try some simple, 'Log Cabin'-esque, quilted pillows. And so that is what i spent last night and this morning, doing.

I made this large and simple quilted pillow for my cheeky little nephew. Actually he loves
KNIGHTS! so i might work on a mini quilt for him (if i can source some good Knights fabric)

And below was the first quilted item i have finished - ever!: Needless to say, in true KirstyFish manner, i am now hooked and obsessed with quilted scatter cushions (lavender stuffed of course)

My first mini-pillow used strips of fabric 1.5" wide and i found it took me too long. You know what a short attention span i have. So i increased the width to 2" strips and it was a quicker process with just as much satisfaction.

Now, i am going through my family members thinking "what would my niece like?" ..... "it IS
Mothers Day soon" - any excuse to make me some more.

All that
yummy fabric.... *sigh*
This afternoon i ordered 50 metres of batting, 10yards of fabric and 2kg of lavender.
You know i don't exaggerate about 'how much' i get obsessed with things. You have seen the evidence right here!

Not being entirely frivolous, i decided to back the pillows in contrasting felt, as you *know* i have plenty of that stuff :)

And a few little details on the back to finish, gives them that special touch.
Because you love crafting too, you'll know how great my day was today... x