A Pink polka dot Matroyshka NeedleBook in
PaperFish. I wasn't planning on making this but some things just 'happen' in my hands whilst doing something else.....

And these are Mini-Flowers - too cute and now for sale in

1 inch daisies - i have bought these for my project but i have so many.... there are a few metres for grabs in bigfish also.

Oh, i adore this ribbon, called *Vivant* YUM! i don't want to sell any because i am selfish but a girl needs to make a living.

Craft chaos at The KirstyFish house xxx
Now I'm thinking, do I need a needlebook? I have very recently treated myself to a little desk for my sewing machine instead of using the dining table.....and I just bought a pin cushion cup from the delighful Mrs B to put on it....another needlebook to save me going to my knitting bag for the one that lives there seems very efficient, don't you think? Aaah MsFish, I'm being tres indecisive but it's hard when you very talented people give us mere mortals so much gorgeousness to choose from!!!
Ali x
hahaha - well chosen in MrsB. I am biased, my needlebook design was borne from neccessity. i have one on my sewing table and one in my travel sewing tin - well, i am allowed hey!? xxx
You definitely are! I'm off to have a proper look and try and make a decision on a needlebook and a flora brooch. Wish me luck!!
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