My beloved 'Nigella' (Lawson - the TV personality and Recipe Book writer for the Un-initiated)
She gets a bad press by some but i want to tell you why i love her...
My Christmas Party - held yesterday - at my house, i sooo wish you all could have come. Nigella made hosting a small Christmas gathering SO much pleasure.
Mini Christmas pudding truffles, individually decorated by my sister, my daughter, my man and me. So much fun and they look gorgeous x a crafters dream cookery project.

MMMmmm licking the chocolate bowl (even the dog got in on this action)

Peanut Butter mini-cupckaes x my younger Sister (BabyFish) has just returned from 12 Months travelling the world. What better way to catch up than spending the afternoon on cups of tea and making chocolates from Nigella's Christmas Book? It was pure JOY.

BabyFish fiddling with the mini-holly decoration on 48 individual puddings. I don't care if Nigella pouts at the camera or *eats cold left-overs during a nightine fridge raid* (or only does that for the camera)

Nigella doesn't make me feel inadequate or envious. She is a joy to watch and her books are a joy to cook and bake from. I love to feed my family and my friends and Nigella knows really that the 'event' and the people are far more important than the food.

Drinking, eating, talking, laughing, creating... these are things that i see Nigella promoting and these are the things that make me happy too.

Nigella's Christmas Chutney.... mmmmm x she maybe very Middle-class, she even be Upper-class, i don't really know. I just love her class-i-ness.
My friend MrsB really
does get the bus or walk to her supermarket WITH 2 babies under 3 and she cooks and entertains Nigella with so much style! (Click
HERE to see MrsB loving Nigella)

Dressing the table in OOOodddles of my Christmas crockery all thrifted and Sale found throughout the years.

SO, Merry Christmas!
Don't *hate* Nigella x love her for what she stands for...
Camp creativity, eating, taking life with a pinch of sugar, entertaining, eating, laughing, creating and generally putting in a little bit more effort than your local McDonalds could offer.

Cheers x