What is it about Gingerbread i love?
(everybody wave at MrsB down there, looking all Christmassy - and notice the Gingerbread style house at the back of the table. The B's own it and i sorely wish i did!)

I have been thinking about my obsession... i couldn't find all the Gingerbread item photos in my PC picture files, they've all gone wandering...
What IS it about Gingerbread?

Most probably my love of baking, coinciding with my love of crafting...

My love of storytelling....
Devotion to working with and being with children, that began long before i became a mamma.

I lived in Germany for a while and they *know* how to do Christmas. I love the real German Markets full of wooden stalls like an imagined Gingerbread village. Maybe it's nostalgia?

I love to change my colours and 'themes' for Christmas decorating too. Last year was WHITE with lots of snowballs and white bunting....

This year.....? It is Gingerbread. Red / Brown / Orange / Pink with a huge helping of Gingerbread style.

I love Gingerbread.
How can i turn the outside of my house into a Gingerbread Grotto, hmmmm....? answers on a postcard please x
such a lovely post!! so beautiful....
how about a gingerbread colour themed woolly ball wreath to start your gingerbread house transformation off......with sweeties instead of baubles?!?!?!? x
i live in cheltenham and we have a continental christmas market every year, that looks quite like the germn markets you mentioned. i love your ginger bread house decoration its super cute
me too, i love the whole gingerbread thang :) i'd buy up all your little gingerbread men if it wasn't a bit foolhardy!!
Ooh, I want gingerbread right now!
I really like your gingerbread hearts, and the little gingerbread men on the baking rack is a great photo!
Snap! So with you on this one! Even had gingerbread hearts from the fabulous 'Grasmere Gingerbread' as favours when we got married.
So glad it's November now & I can get properly excited about Christmas without everyone rolling their eyes : ) Off to Edinburgh Christmas market next month = v. happy!
Loving your Gingerbread colour scheme. I'm generallly a red & white girl with en elfy sprinkle of lime green.
Happy munching! Zx
i love gingerbread :D going to try to make gingerbread men for xmas, just need to find a recipe.
hmm lots of cardboard painted and giant buttons for smarties might help turn a house into a gingerbread grotto
Just wanted to recommend the Hummingbird Bakery gingerbread recipe.....you have to leave the dough overnight but the smell and the taste is heavenly so well worth the effort.
I am so lucky to live near Edinburgh for the German Market (rumours here that due to Princess Street road being tweeked for the trams, the market will be over a larger area this year - hope so!!)and to go in the evening when the crowds dwindle leaving plenty of space to really soak up the atmos.....aah Christmas!!
Ali X
Those three gingerbread men are wonderful..... Love their eyes! Such a fun "take" on gingerbread men..... :O)
some ace advice here - def going to try that gingerbread recipe and i have resigned myself to covering the playhouse as a gingerbread house rather than my house, i think...
ooooooooooooh I like that idea!! brilliant!!
NB Jennifer Rose I have the best, user friendly, non messy, gingerbread recipe ever!! it makes great decs that stay hard and can be rolled really thin! I will put it on the BigStoveYear blog in a couple of days, if you are still interested!! i swear by it, using it every year for my own tree!
that would be great thanks :D
I went to the German market in Birmingham last year, it was fantastic....love your blog! x
Such a good idea! Have you seen this photo on Flickr by rpepperpot? http://www.flickr.com/photos/24919841@N02/3104051174/
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