Simply amazing x
A slice of fresh bread - toasted to perfection, with a thin layer of unsalted butter (i don't believe in diets and i do think being thin is highly over-rated)
I didn't have my camera with me unfortunately, but the SmallFish, the SisterFish and myself managed a spot of soft fruit picking. The joys of our labour alchemically turning into Jam.
Jam isn't hard to make, but it's very rewarding. Raspberries, Blackcurrants, Passion Fruit, Apple Juice, water and Sugar (with added Pectin) boiled up to about 220 degrees and poured into attractive Kilner jars... bliss.
After this weeks Jam, came Cordial.....
The COMEDY value of my Elderflower Cordial has beed sorely missed though.
The COMEDY value of my Elderflower Cordial has beed sorely missed though.
I realised i might be a bit late in the season to get any Elderflowers - i should have been out a few weeks ago... but i was DETERMINED to make some of nickys Elderflower Cordial.
There was A moment when time stood still - SmallFish screaming, our crazed dog barking, on the narrow path running alongside the local canal.... me balancing on the SHOULDERS of ManFish, reaching, stretching, pawing at the last of the Elderflowers way up high in a tree top.... if ever there was a comedy moment when i should have fallen in that cold canal water, surely that was it???
"CraftyFish - you shall have elderflowers AND we shall spare you the humiliation of falling into the water or the stingy nettles, for you deserve refreshing cordial from natures fine harvest"
(Cooeee ***Big wave to Grace*** thanks for my email Grace!)
Fantastic! I was a little worried you would have missed the last elderflowers, so thank goodness for strong shoulders and good balance. Shame there was actually no comedy swimming, but hey! Well done, girl. How delicious is it?!
i didn't realize it was that easy to make jam, going to have to try one day :)
glad you didn't fall into the canal, but it probably would have still been worth the soak ;)
Have you tried elderflower champagne? Even easier, and fizzy, too! I had a lovely glass this evening - probably worth swimming for!
Pomona x
i thought my sunday breakfast was good...yours looks fab!!!
The edlerflower cordial freezes well Kirsty. . . I keep reading about the champagne version and am determined to try it next year!x
I would LOVE to do champagne so any recipes for that.... show me the way (not via the canal hey?)
when i am thin, i will let you know if it is over-rated... lol!
I will post about the delights of elderflowery things on my blog when I get home tonight!
Pomona x
hahahhaaha... Thin does not equal happy! x
Nigella has got nothing on you lovely!
Nigella who?
I think i had a grandma called Nigella Law...something...?
Recipe for elderflower champagne on the blog as promised - it's so nice this year, I wish I'd made more!
Pomona x
Lucky Fish :)
I managed once again to completely miss the elderflower season. I partly blame it on living in a city
One day though....
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