1. A Flowery curtain - found at the Charity Shop, still in it's packet, "who'd want that?" i heard one of the Dears saying to her friend... "I'd want that" i said and gently retrieved it from the oddments bin. SUPER for my Summery kitchen...

2. What to do with a dear old teapot once it has been replaced by my latest find?... why, grow plants in them of course! I love this teapot (but i loved it's replacement even more) so now it houses a sort of Gerbera plant...

3. DON'T get me started on ebay again.... THIS is one of those long painful / feedback issues / lots of heated discussions with seller / threaten to go round her house and grafitti her door, sort of stories.
It matters not now my friends because i have it and I am OH SO happy :)

It was covered in darkest mahogony varnish - nw stripped down.
It did have 3 wobbly legs so it was a little sewing bureau thing ( i was expecting 4 sturdy legs when it was on it's way, hence the long story)
ANYWAYs (deep breath) i took the legs off and now it sits proudly on my 'packing table' and it houses all my packaging stickers / customs forms for the internet shops.

Very cool! And all the nicer for the hard work i went through to get it xxx
Oh you are just far too organised for my liking........!!!!!! ;0 X
Love it all, especially the flowery curtain. My husband would not like it though!
Laughing my head off at the "going round and graffiti-ing the door" thing. You are far too kind, maybe its the weather, but I would go for "torching".... (Joke, Kirsty.... JOKE!!) :O) x
Only you could make a plant in a teapot and a flower curtain super cool! x
the teapot looks great as a plant pot :)
and the flower curtain works looks great anywhere this time of year. adds some colour to the summer when its grey and raining outside
it's official: i love all your stuff. when can i move in? *goes to pack*
Teapot and plant is a winner! love it, and love your organised drawer system .
so hot here! got to sort out things for Freecycle. Are you on it ? It,s great for thrifting and also getting rid of your own junk which may be gold to another.
Mad boo x
You've reminded me of the flowery curtains we used to fight with in our first house. Must have got lost on the moves somewhere. A plastic thing of beauty really.
Teapot a great idea.
Lisa x
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