I tried quilting when my mum bought me a book called "Happy Quilts"... i probably still have one or two hand-stitched hexagony 'shapes', half started and never finished, in a mothy box somewhere.
My mum wasn't a confident seamistress and didn't feel able to hand down what untrained knowledge she did posess, so, in turn, i never felt equipped with the confidence to continue.
I had it in my head last week that i was going to try some simple, 'Log Cabin'-esque, quilted pillows. And so that is what i spent last night and this morning, doing.
And below was the first quilted item i have finished - ever!: Needless to say, in true KirstyFish manner, i am now hooked and obsessed with quilted scatter cushions (lavender stuffed of course)
My first mini-pillow used strips of fabric 1.5" wide and i found it took me too long. You know what a short attention span i have. So i increased the width to 2" strips and it was a quicker process with just as much satisfaction.
This afternoon i ordered 50 metres of batting, 10yards of fabric and 2kg of lavender.
You know i don't exaggerate about 'how much' i get obsessed with things. You have seen the evidence right here!
As a fellow crafter and home educating Mom, I have one question..........WHERE DO YOU FIND THE TIME?
i answered you on your blog :)
Hey laydee you do a massive amount too!!
It is the mentality of those drawn into home-schooling.. "yeh, i can do that..."
Thanks, and yes that "I can do that feeling" ahs a lot to answer for!!!
Goodness woman, you've been busy!
The custard creams recipe is from Nigella's Feast book. I didn't blog the recipe just a photo. I can e-mail the recipe to you if you'd like. They are sooo good, even better the next day.
Ali x
Now that's clever - you have pretty much self taught a lovely bit of quilting there - congratulations!
Your quilted cushions are lovely! :) xx
you are so nice to me and i'm sure i'm not deserving of it. It isn't grand quilting on any scale but it will do for starters?
I want to see whats in your bag!!!
Lovely cushions! You are bitten by the quilting bug!
bitten...? i was chewed up and spat out by it :) ...p.s. i also live very near a fantastic quilting shop, so no excuse not to.
Ahhhhh will the talent to turn your hand to things ever end little lady??!!! ;0 x
ooh, looks lovely!
...whispers *quilted needlebooks* kisses the fish and steals quietly away...
Wow, gorgeous!
I love the fact that you have a metal ruler...I also have a metal ruler for crafting/sewing projects...it was my dad's, so it's special to me and think of him every time I use it.
yes, I am sentimental about a ruler, haha :)
Ditto with the metal enginerring ruler xxx daddy love x
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