Life might just be complete.... Sunday morning spent at a Vintage Fashion Fair, followed by a perfect italian Cappucino... *sigh* (of course, having MrsB with me would have been the cherry on top *sends you kisses*)

I was on a mission - i had a list of items i was looking for, but.... at the same time, you need to enter these places with an open mind, a creative heart and a wallet full of cash. THAT perfcet item *might* be in there and one must be prepared.

Open doors at the Northampton University (not a pretty place) but OH the treasures inside!! I was shocked that it was so 'not' busy in there - fantastic for me, i hate fighting elbows through the rails of clothes.

Bird entrance stamp... now i really want a wrist tattoo. I never thought about having one before, but having it sat there made me yearn for a full-time wrist birdie x

Rails of wonder - so much to see. I did have the ManFish and SmallFish with me, which brings it's own rewards (man carrying bags) and difficulties (SmallFish is a slippery one) and joys.... look at her in that hat! Everyone falling in love with her....

SmallFish actually has a really good eye for the vintage. Not a fan of shopping generally, the vintage markets and local carboots really suit her energentic personality. She had £5 to spend and managed to come home with 4 pieces of jewelery and a lovely fan. Results all round.

I could go through and list EVERY item i wanted from this leather stall. But i like to *think* i know when to stop. The case right at the front of that table... i wanted it so bad but i did not need it. For £45 it was a stunning bargain but too small to be of real use. And, don't get me started about the delicious little handbag sat on the back window...

I did buy a suitcase - it was a huge one! for £18 - i thought it was such value, i didn't even barter on the price. See me in my BEST purchase **THAT DRESS** aaahhhh, i changed into it there and then at the fair. 100%Cotton, full skirt, belted waist, calf length, stand up collar - H A P P Y -
Price...? £6...... yes, £6. I would have paid so much more.

ManFish bought me the above red / white / blue apron style skirt with the cutest pockets (i'm wearing it today)....
And we left the fair as a team of happy shoppers....
"the ones that got away".... the topdress below was super cute BUT these are the battles you have with vintage and secondhand. The stall holder tried to start the bidding too high. I think she thought i 'had money'. I later stood next to her as she offered a similar item to a customer at HALF the price she quoted me - bad luck lady, you do yourself out of sales by being cheeky. I loved it but i am holding the back tighter as it was quite loose fitting. SO, it didn't make it home with me today...

and.... THIS was so close. From the same naughty stall as the dress above... it is really The One that 'got away'. i should have bought it BUT again, it needed some work and i couldn't see how i was going to alter it without ruining it entirely. Ah well, you win some - you lose some. There will be other dresses / other fairs....

These are the shoes and bag that i bought at this very same fair back in March - the shy glimpse of a petticoat below my new dress... a petticoat was on my list of 'things to buy today'. It was perfect in every way and some foolish man sold it to me for £1 ... why? i would have paid so much more!

Then into my favourite DOLPHIN CAFE on the route home. A coffee and a sandwich x

I can understand if you're not a vintage fan. No other person in my family 'gets' vintage. They think i am mad. Maybe. But i know a good thing when i see it.
j'adore vintage. It makes me happy x
That is the most wonderful dress!And looks so lovely on you. It's good to start the small ones young - Princess B soon learned that at boot fairs she would get things much cheaper than I coul, if she stepped up to the stall on her own and smiled fetchingly as she asked the price, all the while brandishing a tiny purse full of very small change!
Pomona x
I love vintage fairs. I used to go all the time when I was an undergrad. I need to go to one soon
, you've given me back the bug.
warning... tis catching!
J'adore vintage!!
Great post x
i want a petticoat and i want one now !!!! you lucky thing.
Lucky you! Beautiful things.
I love vintage clothes :D nice buys :)
j'adore YOU!!!!! you look fabby!! I am eating my heart out!
See you in two weeks!!!!! xxxxxx
mmm, petticoat....
What a perfect Sunday. That dress is just - wow.
Lisa x
Wow, I love vintage fairs, live in Northampton and didn't know it was going on :-(. Are they a regular thing??
Ps. love your purchases.
Glad you all had fun! Can't beat a good vintage fair as these ones look really good. I'm going to the London one as a stallholder but after seeing your pics I fear for my (vintage) purse as it may find it hard to stay in my (vintage) bag!
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