The SUN is out today - i'm wearing pink and grey (which, quite frankly, makes me happy)

I had my hair COLOURED last night - meh, you might not see what i can see, or rather what i can't see: no nasty orange. no nasty re-growth. no greys.... just honied brown - colour me hair proud!

New buttons. Cool free bookmark from the library. Blackcurrant cordial = colour me cool!

Awesome *new* GIANT spotty buttons arrived - colour me excited... (what to do with them now?)

yumtastic lollies from the Traditional Sweet Shop down the road - colour me delicious (slurp)

Lunch out with my sunshine girl! Colour me sunny and fed.

Blooms hanging good in the sunshine - colour me *loving* that Victorian red brick work x

Buttony brooch. Spotty shower curtain - colour me happy to be in the world today :)

.......... Yippee x x x
colour you beautiful!! I love you in that pink dress, 'tis gorrrrrrrrrrrrrgeous!! how many sleeps till you come to stay?! xx
PS I WAAAAAAAAAANT some giant spotty buttons!!! x
bEAUTIFUL COLOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay for no grey! :D
OOooOo how weird I was talking with Abi about that very dress this afternoon *cue Twighlight Zone music* , it looks gorgeous!
Kirsty, how "giant" is giant, and in what colours?????? sigh........... lovely post! LOVELY!
I found your blog via flickr and love it!
I love that pinny. So glad to see you still wear it. I've got another one in a lovely green cotton with horses and jockeys over it as well as a few other lovely bits and bobs in the way of clothing. I'm also starting a small range of one-off vintage pieces under the label "Vintage Gold". i shall let you know when they're in the Etsy shop and hopefully you'lle fill my purse with silver sheckles.
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