I thank you all for a wonderful weekend! Crafting day and night in a 'Girls School' in York...

This is
BOMB x Preggers... On the phone to her broker sorting Stocks and Shares.

Sorry for the poor photo
Sally - but this epitomises the weekend for me "Me and my Brew"

'My Girls' soaking up a few sunshiny minutes in a long crafting extravaganza of a weekend... Bomb, Fallulah and Lady....

Everybodys *new* bestest chum -
Victoria Duck. We owe so many thanks to you and your infinite patience and skills that you shared! x x x
Mad Kat and
Feltmeup!! Doing their bestest Harry Potter scene reinactments in *stolen* School Uniform Capes...

ME!! making a new Tea Cup Tote bag, mmmmm - it's not finished yet so i can't share it with you all yet x

There were more photos and more memories but this is what i'm sharing!
"What goes on retreat - Stays on Retreat" x x x
Glad you had a nice weekend - it all looks very jolly!
Pomona x
so wish i could have been there :( glad you had such an ace time xxx
That's me, have tea - will travel. One cup of earl grey and I'm anyone's. Especially yours. Thanks for making it the best weekend in ever ever such a long time x
ha just noticed up close I have a chocolate teacake in my other hand, yum yum!
What a super weekend you sound to have had. Your last comment said it all..... tee hee! :O)
*jealous* looks like a great time :)
Ooh I've come over all envious. That looks like crafty dafty fun x
Oh I wish we were back there. I miss you all and wish I had someone to sew next to.
OMG - you snapped me with two calculators, two!! Not the best crafty look going o)
I had a brilliant weekend and wish I could go once a month, not once a year x
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