SO... the child is away at Grandmas for one night only... this means that i have a period of 24 hours in which i *must* sew! CRAFTing extravaganza sounds much more glamourous than it ever ever is... basically, i turn into a factory and it all gets a bit crazy.

Get me... 'vogue-ing' in my new spotty dotty necklace, sent by my lovely friend BOMBUS x x x it was a great way to start the 24 hour sweatshop experience. It made me feel all positive :)

The car was dropped off for it's annual MOT. The insurance renewed. The tax is due next week... there's nothing like the *need* for money to spur the Fish on in her Crafty-ness.

Oh good grief, i am about 2 hours into the sew-a-thon here and i already feel like taking my own life! What am i doing? Why don't i just sell buttons and felt, leave it that???
I can't, i love the world of HANDMADE! i am proud when i sell my creations.

Some of the first batch.... looking all felty and festive, ready for the hand-finished elements.
There are a many more million to make from here... and, can you believe, i am still not fed up of Christmas!!

I am not complaining, far from it. I love my work and i would rather be boss of my own routine than have to travel to work elsewhere.
I have been told on a couple of occasions how "lucky i am "... "i'd love to sit at home, sew a few decorations and get paid" - i am just sharing the fact that, when THIS work is One's wage - there is no "sewing a few decorations" and indeed no guarantee you'll get any payment!
I am really looking forward to the Christmas Craft Fairs this year - they are always full of fun. SO, if there is a craft fair near you, from here on til December... go see! you might find something quite wonderful x x x
I've always found that with any work I do at home - being told that I am lucky and it must be a nice 'little' job for me to have. Except you end up working far harder, there is usually a deadline, there is no guarantee quite when you will be paid, or how much, and it could be the last work you get ever! The easiest way to make money is always to get a job - nothing like the security of a monthly pay cheque!
I love the look of those little white reindeer - I am sure you will sell lots of all your decorations, they are so lovely.
Pomona x
oooo what a scrummy photo that last one is, all those squooshy decorations. i want them!
i'm hoping for a similar childcare/sewing arrangement at my mum's this weekend!
Why is it that nothing is ever so much fun, when you have to do it? Well done for not spending the day drinking tea and putting your feet up.
Clare x
Kirsty, when you hear "it must be nice to be able to be at home and sit and stitch"..... try this one: "I have the same hours in my day as you do.... twenty four!.. I just choose to use mine differently!". Loving those reindeer.... x
It's great to have this insight into your working life!
In my experience the people who have this kind of attitude towards unconvential jobs are usually the ones who do the least work, i.e. have nice routine 9-to-5 jobs and the whole weekend off!
Sometimes I find myself actually envying them... and then I remember...!
hallo lovely lady!
loving all the christmas creativity! am just about to crank up the gears to get my festive production on the move. better late than never, and I work better under pressure it seems..... I'm looking forward to the festive fairs too, par-taking and visiting ;0 X
24 hours of solo fishyness. I fully understand why you are celebrating!! Do remember to go to bed sometime between now and when toddlefish comes home though won't you?! Damn wish I was there sewing along with you. Have a happy day mwah xx (ps I will try not to keep the funkily scrumptious mrs b all to myself if I see her tomorrow)
gahhhhh.... get off mrsB!! the both of you in one lovely place!! poor me :(
Fantastic to have some quiet time to spend crafting, however, working form home is not as idyllic as it sounds is it? You NEVER get away from work, there's always more that you can do.. and you do... and any time that you might like to sit with a cuppa for a few minutes is filled with thoughts of what you should be doing instead! BUT... I wouldn't change a thing!
Love your reindeer.. Santa will be pleased!
Those little reindeers look great! I hope you had a wonderful time crafting!
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