I can't, i love the world of HANDMADE! i am proud when i sell my creations.
There are a many more million to make from here... and, can you believe, i am still not fed up of Christmas!!
I am not complaining, far from it. I love my work and i would rather be boss of my own routine than have to travel to work elsewhere.
I have been told on a couple of occasions how "lucky i am "... "i'd love to sit at home, sew a few decorations and get paid" - i am just sharing the fact that, when THIS work is One's wage - there is no "sewing a few decorations" and indeed no guarantee you'll get any payment!
I am really looking forward to the Christmas Craft Fairs this year - they are always full of fun. SO, if there is a craft fair near you, from here on til December... go see! you might find something quite wonderful x x x