"Mama, where are stories made?"

A journey to Borders Bookshop and Starbucks Cafe...

The day started with a small girl and her chocolate fluffy bunny.

"We want some new stories to read Mama" (for 'Mama' is what she calls me)

"My dear" replied I "a splendid idea! For I too am of the opinion that, a few new stories would enliven our bedtime hour no end"

Of course, stories are not exclusive to 'bedtime' in our house, but it was the bedtime story that we particulary wanted to enhance... It was a Sunny day from morning onward and it promised good omens for the hours ahead.

Together we decided on a combination of pinks, purples and spots for our bookworm expedition.

"hoorah!" we both exclaimed and off we went to Milton Keynes.

Being Mama's special girl, it was declared immediately that "Mama! we must go to the cafe first and you must need a coffee?"

"That's right" exclaimed I "Mummy would indeed appreciate a Cappucino! and you?" I asked "will you be having a Babycino?"

"Ooooh yes" the girl said, most sincerely.

"Ow! That first bit was a bit hot Mama!" shrieked the little girl.

"Stir the froth around you Tinker" said I "and allow it to cool to temperate drinking conditions"

So, she did.

I drank Cappucino.

She drank Babycino.

We read books, laughed at the illustrations, collected ideas and spent money.
We talked about Dragons and girls with long stockings. We talked about Whizzpoppers and pirates and bird droppings.

It was glorious fun and we smiled and giggled all the way to the till and home again.

We love the bookshop x

Of course, my memory of our day might be slightly enhanced but never 'embellished'.
Never under-estimate the power of a good story when attempting to turn a very 'ordinary' day into a day of wonderment and mysteriousness.
To produce a good story from thin air, is a Mamas most secret and useful of all her secret talents x


Bigbluebed said...

Lovely story.

Mine calls me 'Mama' too.

Mrs B said...

just scrumdiddlyumcious....every word!! x such a yarn spinner you are, Mama x

menopausalmusing said...

OMG!!!! Pippie Longstocking.... The Lauren Child version??? You two are such a class act!!!! x

Rhiannon said...

Hooray hurrah for book shopping! (Just make sure she learns not to always take up 3 for 2 offers - can be rather bank account damaging!)

ps. Loving the big eyes over the babychino!

bex said...

that was a great post!! thankyou!! i wish i could tell stories like you!

Anonymous said...

dear mamakirstyfish,
please adopt me immediately!!
thank you and lots of kisses,
maisy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

meplusmolly said...

Ahhhh bootiful post fishes! ;0 X

louise35flower said...

I spy Pippi Longstocking! I love the idea of co ordinated dressing for a shopping trip, it all sounds wonderful!

Unknown said...

Awww too cute! Makes me want a little one of my own to take on book shopping adventures!


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