My mobile phone has long since been on it's 'way out'...
Then my camera broke :( - you know how sad that makes me...
THEN my sewing machine broke.... What's a girl to do? Sit and cry or get shopping?
Well, i started with a fruity new phone - and THESE photos have been uploaded from my mobile! "You're kidding!?" - pretty cool huh?

BUT, before the machine arrived, i was getting on with these Brooches which are all part of the Christmas Collection for my travelling Craft Stall. Yummy Woolly Flower button brooches.
I am thinking these photos are quite good, considering they are from a mobile phone!?
I haven't worked up the courage to buy my new camera yet. It is alot of pretty pennies and i have a small hope my engineering dad can fix my old faithful???
Did i prefer my life 3 years ago when i couldn't even turn a computer on without written instructions...... ? x
Hi I've just found your blog and loved looking at all your bright happy photos . Hope you can get your camera fixed , take care .
Aw, thanks my love! me too!
Sometimes you just get a spell of "stuff" breaking down, don't you? Lovely "makes" from you (as always). I particularly like badges. x
Super fantastic new machine and all those gorgeous threads.
Love the brooches too.
Well I'm of the opinion that these things comes in 3's - so even with my rubbish grasp of maths, you've had your 3!! New brooches look gorgeous - as always! x
Bless you, fab creating you! All colourful and uplifting delights as always!
Glad you have 'mobile' camera at least, fingers crossed for the real mc-coy.
A 'new' machine for that bargain price! how fab, love all those threads too!!!! yum '0 x
hurrah, your back....i only take photo's with my phone because the technology of the camera is beyond me...sad but true.
I know janebean - i am such a Plob when it all gets techno. I am the only person i know who READS instruction manuals!
atleast that the three done more technological break downs..the new machine looks good, i have a much less complicated brother machine...fingers crossed for your camera
How bizzare, think there is something wierd going on, a few people I know have had this run of bad luck. (always in 3, you are safe now) Me it was the wasp nest, shower and then my car exhaust!
Love the Christmas brooches! - You are so on the ball!!
Love your blog; funny thoughts and great colors!
Have a great day!
Wow, I'm so impressed that you didn't just fall to the floor and kick your legs and arms in a temper tantrum of disgust and instead found alternative things to craft and got out there and got yourself some replacement technology :-D. I know what I'd do and it would involve lots of gin and moaning to who ever would listen - no proactiveness at all!!!
Clare x
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