I write a regular column for a little publication in the UK called "Local Craft Matters".
I really enjoy it as i LOVE to talk about how fantastic and important Craft is and how you can support craft and 'find' social crafting in our area.
Anyway, i wrote my article and said about "craft fairs are the best place to Christmas Shop" and "why not make stuff... like chutney!" SO.... in case my readers wanted proof - here is me and the smallerFish making chutney...
Me, in love with Nigella (sigh) if she knew me, she'd really like me I'm sure...

Always sterilize those jars! We don't have a dish washer as i find washing-up rather therapeutic (but a little rough on my poor hands)

It is a Nigella recipe called "Christmas Chutney" with all my favourites: Apples, Clementine, Cloves, Spice, Cranberries, Dates (and sugar and vinegar!)

Of course, all kitchen Divas need crowns! But please, I am NOT a terrible 'affected' lady that feels the need for Diva-ness. Any Mother to a 4yr old girl knows that Princess Crowns are worn by everyone in the family on a regular basis (including the dog x)

Yeh, go on, make Chutney! Make 'something' - feel good about yourself.
Staying in is soooooo the new 'going out'!
That looks like fun! We're going to make fudge this Christmas for my boy to give to his grandparents.
Oh my goodness! How do you find the time to keep your oven so clean AND make Chutney AND make all of your lovely goodies. You truly do deserve to wear a crown. lol.
I am DYING with laughter mollimoo x it is a new oven!!! literally, so no major mess yet!!
And we also made fudge a few weeks ago - so much fun x thanks ladies
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