The weather?.... hideous, damp, dank, grey, cold, miserable.... JUST the weather for the red beret! And it worked because other people smiled at the redness of the beret too (it has magic qualities and brings much joy)
One Gentleman even started singing to me "where did you get that hat, lalala..."
Unfortunately he was a homeless alcoholic who was trying to distract me whilst his friend attempted to steal the newly purchased bottle of Brandy from my shopping trolley. Ah well, i told him off and we all had a laugh about it, the Brandy made it home with me and so did the child and the beret.
On our return from the commercial abyss ... i got out my Gorgon Ramsey cookbook.... SEE? notice? and i quote "To Kirsty, Love Gordon" The photograph is my sister getting it signed for me in Selfridges. How cute is she? She knows i live in a fantasy world, in which Gordon and I are blissfully married...
NO, i didn't cook from that book. That is just for dreamy smugness and a quick 'Gordon fix' in my heart, no.... The Smaller Fish and I made chocolate FUDGE from Nigella's recipie (she's my best friend you know, in my fantasy world)
We 'improved' the recipie, like all good crafters should, and added the BRANDY (see, the beret story had relevance) and extra sugar.
Then i invited my Mum and Dad for Sunday lunch. Brandy glazed and Bacon stuffed Chicken (Brandy again!) with dauphinoise Pots and carrots and Leeks in white sauce. Then followed by Vanilla ice-cream (the only thing my dad and daugter will eat for dessert) and Brandy Fudge.
It was, on reflection, a comfortable Sunday x
I love your hat! A friend of mine wears flowery DMs which have the same effect and cheer everyone up. Yummy fudge!
wow round for tea at your house anytime please.You should write a book you know I love your style
I love that you made the fudge heart shaped - you crafty lady! x
genius using the ice cube tray! mmm, fudge, i love it. make a mean fudge myself but my only problem is when i make it i want to eat it ...ALL! and unfortunately my willpower is terribly poor when homemade fudge is involved! loving the beret. red's such a fun colour. is that a flower corsage i spy too? :)
Great hat, mMMmmmm yummy fudge.....AND Gordon Ramsey, strangely sexy , had a naughty dreams about him once, he was fabulous!.
I have regular intimate relations with Gordon (in the comfort of my own head...)
Colour really can lift people can't it? And yes, that flower corsage is so great, i will blog that soon because it was made by some great girlies x
Saw Gordon Ramsey at a go-karting track in Cornwall a couple of years ago. He was wearing a fetching blue boiler suit to wear in the go-kart, you would've been swooning I'm sure :)
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