My Crafty Friend...

To call her 'Crafty' is maybe an injustice. I am a Crafter - she is a very creative person with a Degree in Textiles and a vast experience / knowledge in sewing stuffs. I believe there is a difference there!
Anyway, the SmallFish and I were round at her home for a 'Play Date' last week. I wish i had the nerve to photograph her whole house as it was really inspiring. But i managed to take a few photos whilst she popped out to see the EggMan...
This is a huge gorgeous buttony mirror - it must have taken an AGE to finish! and her small 2 yr old keeps trying to pick the buttons off, which must be very satisfying for him but terribly annoying for her....

I might well have a try at this myself. I am going to keep an eye open at the Local Tip and Car Boots for a good sized mirror. I like the choice of colours as i would have been inclined to make mine much brighter but i think i like the subtle colours here better.

A giant floor cushion in Laura Ashley fabrics and others. Huge semi-circle tabs hanging down the edge sem. I love these tabs and i am even more determined now to finish my Smallfish's quilt.

And this COOL light pull in the bathroom. Gorgeous enough to wear. These were my last Big Felt Balls that my Crafty Friend purchased and i am waiting excitiedly for the new shipment so i can have a play with bright balls and buttons.

Contrary to what some people might think - i don't live in my own 'self-obsessed bubble' where I AM the first and last word in Crafts. On the contrary. I see inspirational people and projects all around me. I feel envious and inspired and intrigued at other peoples talents and feel i am not alone in my obsession with all things crafty.
Dear chum: Thankyou for trusting me enough to lend me your Selvedge Magazines. You know i will treat them as carefully as my dog  xxx


nickynackynoo said...

Oh I LOVE that light pull! What a great idea (off to sort out blues & turquoises for my bathroom now!0.

menopausalmusing said...

Oh Kirsty, I nearly fell off my chair laughing at the comments re the Selvedge Magazines...... I have never read them but know (via blogland) that they are covetable.... Just make sure your dog REALLY doesnt get hold of them....

Pink Blossom Creations said...

I love the fact that whatever you write and show us is so inspirational. Now have ideas whizzing round head and although I have been signed off work have some NVQ course work to do....
Must work fast..
Thanks again for your fab blog
Caroline x x

Mr X Stitch said...

Hey Fishie,
I've got some Selvedges you can have. :)
They're just sitting on my shelf and I know you'd get more out of them.

Unknown said...

What a great idea for a mirror....Mmmmm Kx

Muddy Puddle Crafts said...

love the light pull ! Just one thing did she know you took the pics ? or are you an undercover craft spy ?

Elderberry-Rob said...

how inspiring to have a friend with a house that's bursting with ideas like this - would copy all of them I think... can you go back and snap the other rooms as soon as possible please?

Mrs B said...

....lovely house!

(huffs off to think of something clever to do to house....)


Jennifer Rose said...

that light pull is a great idea :D

LPFish said...

i hope she reads all these.... she has 3 very small children and a lifetime of 'stuff' to deal with - but she still has a pretty house!
Jamie - i was worried you were cross with me (Selvedge, yes please xx)
AND - funnily enough, this lady phoned whilst i was blogging this post so i confessed my devilish deed to her.

Realicoul said...

Great post, I made a button frame similar to that one in brighter buttons and i have a huge 'rolled paper' mirror from recycled magazines that i bought from Octopus when i worked there. Love the light pull, its b e a u t i f u l !


Mmmm lovely. An inspiring house, can we see the rest? Some great stuff. I really don't know how she manages to keep it looking like that with children though. My house is chaos!

Judith said...

Make another play date soon and don't forget to take your camera.
Your friend Like you has a very inspirational home x


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