"Come along darling. Mummy wants to go the 'Antiques Cellar', buy stuff she does not need and drink coffee" ...and avoid anything that is boring or necessary at home.
Wanna play vintage rummage with us?
First, i saw this - uhhhhh, how nice are these? Haberdashery drawers... maybe 7ft tall? i wanted them (naturally) but, at £1,200 they are out of my price range. Especially as i narrowly missed a set of these on ebay for £200.
These, i might be coming back for... as i look around my art room / studio (whatever it is) i realise i could fill 5 of these in the blink of an eye.
This tea set was sooo prettily laid out. Especially for MrsB... there was an amazing pink Bakerlite telephone at this stand too... but i wasn't "strictly speaking" given absolute "permission" per se, to be photographing any part of the shop.... so i was on thin ice already (tee heee)

I love this little unit in the Cellar - all mish mash / bish bosh / throw it together style with handmade kilts and vintage nighties.
I love this little unit in the Cellar - all mish mash / bish bosh / throw it together style with handmade kilts and vintage nighties.
The 'Antiques Cellar' is a large basement in a car park full of different Units belong to different sellers, so you never know what you'll find...
SmallFish playing 'desks'... i do like that desk but it is really similar to the one i found at the local Tip for £4..... i think that one is about £304.00.... so i did better me thinks.

The cafe is cold and twee with nasty table cloths, but it's a fair cup of coffee and a good sandwich when you need one.
The cafe is cold and twee with nasty table cloths, but it's a fair cup of coffee and a good sandwich when you need one.
Sorry, did someone say we are supposed to be "Home Educating"SmallFish? Lessons for today: self-restraint, budgeting and ummm,,, history. Oh, and we saw that really cute labra-doodle Puppy.... that is practically a lesson in genetics by itself.
...the answer is "yes" - do i need to repeat the question?
....the answer is "several" - do you really need to hear that question?
and i bought a stool for my kitchen. I'll save that just to tantalise you :) i might spray paint it pink so maybe i'll do a little "before and after" post - you know how i lurve to perform for you.
So.... it is a fully fledged V I C E.
I get a feeling in me.... i know what it is.... it starts in my mouth as it gets dry and then i can't sit still. I know i will not rest until i have been for a Vintage Rummage. I'm so glad you don't hate me for it. x
Oh wow, looks like my idea of heaven - can I come next time?!
you can dearest :) it isn't at all pretentious, very down-to-earth, inexpensive and... rummagey!
OOh pretty things! My Mum has that tea set.
I really enjoyed that jaunt with you and little fish, she has such a delightful little face...I was particularly glad to hear someone else escaping manky houses, it's not just me...what is it about winter sun showing up dust layers and skanky window glass.
Lovely post as usual Ms Fish! Tell me to go to bed and stop thinking about this darn Anniversary Cake!!!!!
Silly thing told me the word was wrong so did it again only to repeat myself, well no changes there then.
Ooh, I love the trug! But don't be drawn in by the cuteness of labradoodle puppies - we were, and our little cute bundle of fluff grew in to a big, bear-sized lump of trouble!! The self-control gene appears to be missing, and we could build a whole new dog with the amount of fluff he sheds each day! ... but then when he looks at you with his furry, twitchy eyebrows wiggling ... still pretty cute!
What a brilliant post..... I was able to rummage by proxy!!!!! My kind of place. Loving those forks and the way you styled that photo. I would have liked to have played "desks" too........
Get the cake out MrsMenop is coming round to play desks... yeh!
My house is pretty minging just now too. I know what you mean. We have a local auction where I rarely pay more than a £5 for anything!
I love the things you bought. And of course you need cake forks!
Hey Ms Fish, where is this Aladdins cave?
Hello Jim,
It is in Brackley - Northants, in the Waitrose Car Park (or under it)
A girl can never have too many cake forks I say! Loved your post! Join the club with the minging house.
......I am heartsore! My house is minging too....I am bored too....I am vintage vice personified....all I want is to be there with you both, shopping for choc chunks in waitrose, and treasure hunting....and I can't, I can't, I can't.....'cos I bloody can't drive! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh! BIG FAT GREY BHS BAGGY PANTS!!!
v-word palayin (thats what I want to do!)....
oh and my camera has broken!
(sorry everyone....ignore me!)
we try to ignore you MrsB but you just keep coming back! ;)
I would kill for a desk like that :D we would have to get rid of the couch to fit it in the flat, but who needs a couch? :p
sob... I have that 'nasty tablecloth' like the one in the cafe ... it wipes clean after crafts, messy kids/husbands, spilled wine etc., essential item in our house - even the cat likes it... tell me it's only nasty in a cafe?
!!! what a boob - to insult your table cloth! *EEEEKKKK* i promise the nastiness was more the stickiness of it than the pattern. But the colours clashed outrageously with pastel pottery, and you know, those are the things i notice :) I have no doubt yours Yaps good x
vintage haberdashery drawers re my all time 'must have' item, i dream of owning some, but i need a bigger house and a bigger bank balance!
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