Been busy... you know how it is. Christmas n'all that. I don't think that excuses the state of my work surface though? *shameful blush*
Nor does it excuse my lack of blogging...

But guess what??? we had sunshine today - for a full 10 minutes!!! it was glorious and i became somewhat delirious - bathing in shafts of golden light, twas like a week on a beach i swear (note: delirium in bathroom mirror shot)

So i had a quick opportunity to photograph some stuffs i have been working on.
The PomPom phenomenon happens during each annual festive run-up. I love making PomPoms - who doesn't? so repetative and refreshingly mind-numbing.
I used to make them alot with my 'Kids' who needed a bit of "Time out"
Funny to watch hard-faced teenagers and 'Offenders' turn wool into fluffy balls....

But, more than that, i never fail to get adult attention when Pompom-ing in public: "wow" they exclaim, " i remember making PomPoms and now i've totally forgotten how"... Last year, if i had been selling them at Craft Fairs i think i would have made some real money. Everybody loved to watch the PomPom being born...

Mostly i make mine white and silver to hang like Snowballs. This year i have gone "all colour" and i've been making them to hang in groups of 3. Purple, Pink and Lime - with contrasting gingham ribbons.

What's not to love? They are adorable and i find, even the men like them. Something to do with hairy balls? maybe. But i rather like to think of them as nostalgic and a real moment placed back in One's childhood when we knew Christmas as a time a little simpler, with fewer pressures.

My advice? For what it's worth... don't sweat the big stuff. Bring Christmas back to it's basics: Food, friends, family and Pompoms. Have fun :)
I agree - the big stuff usually has a habit of taking care of itself! It's funny, but I tend to find that creative crafting brings out the best in most folk - like you say, even the little tough nuts.
yep x
Aah, such true words spoken, especially about the hairy balls! ha ha ha ha x
"Something to do with hairy balls?" o.0 lol
hmm don't think I've made pompoms for years. better not start again or they will take over like the tribbles :p
aah, the power of the pom pom... love it! just bought a pom pom disc thingy-whatsit yesterday, guess what I'm doing this weekend!
I've just been given a load of yarn from a chum that's perfect for pompoms, which I'd make now if I were more awake *falls asleep on keyboard*
You have such lovely balls, Mrs Fish. (someone had to say it)
ooooh Mayyyytron....
Kirsty Fish, you have a way with a camera and with words........ that picture of you in the mirror had me roaring with laughter as did your "Oooooh, Mayyyyytron" comment............ :O))))
Ooh think I may have to make some pompoms right now. Snowballs for my bare looking tree. U r a genius my dear.
I thought I would let you know that you inspired me to make pom poms with the children at the After School Club where I work. The loved it. I blogged about it.
So thank you.
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