Too many late nights sat at the laptop surfing etsy, flickr, etc...
But ooh la la ... LU SUMMERS! A new friend of mine. I feel honoured - look at me rubbing cyber-shoulders with a proper artist person.....
And how lush is this fabric?
And her photos are always so staged and spectacular and enviable ,,, yet so simple and heart warming... go see for yourselves because my stealing her photos doesn't give you the full LU Summers experience -
Lovely Lu sent me these ACE badges that i would love to keep! But hurrah for you guys because i am giving them away in my 'Freebie Bags' when you purchase from the BigFish store x

MMmmmmmm Lu Summers x
i love you kfish xxx
Isn't that fabric gorgeous! You certainly don't look tired to me, gosh I look dreadful when I am tired ... which seems to be a lot of the time!
oh my lovely friend! tell me what youre worrying about....and why you are taking photos in the toilet!! todays word is ytanx which if said fast sounds like 'yeah tanks' in a grumpy irish accent!
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