Home is where the House is ...

So this is the Front Door to 'Coalers Croft' - the start of our mini tour - don't bother to come here in order to steal anything (all ye potential criminal minded readers!) there is nothing here of any value, except to ourselves x
Weedy Front Door step, but no-one comes here - not even our postman comes to the font door - and that is because he is always leaving etsy parcels in my 'etsy bin' at the back door x

This is the front of the house that faces the road - no pretty views here i'm afraid. The house is about 250 years old and was a station for Coal (hence it's name "Coalers Croft") Our house sits on a busy A road and behind us is a beautiful canal. Coal was dropped off the Canal boats from the north and then picked up by horse and cart and delivered by road to London.

The re-planting of the front of the house, a work on progress my friends. Maybe, if i spent more time out here and less time on the laptop, it might look half decent ... empty space makes me sad.

Something that already grows there! Including a little girl and a fat chocolate Labrador who also both grow at 'the croft'
Down the secluded path - catch the fairies playing with snails and making perfume from old rose petals...

Come into the back yard and my little fairy has her own 'Tree House' as she calls it. Of course, it isn't at all up in a tree! But it is a super Playhouse - a place for dreams and games to happen, and chalk to happen upon.

Into the Back Door - the kitchen! The heart of any real home? The remnants of my daughters birthday party, two months previously tied to the latch (much to 'the Man's' annoyance - but men don't really 'get' polka ribbon joy, do they?)
I might Blog my kitchen too ... but that's a whole new story x

Hope you liked? X


rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Charming ... just charming!

Sam Gillespie said...

What a beautiful house! We are in the process of building a play house for Dd, but is't taking longer than expected!!

And how lovely to be next to a canal :)

Vicky x said...

Lovely, thanks for sharing your house! No, sadly, men do not get polka ribbon joy, although they often like fairy lights and paper lanterns, I've found :)

Shauna said...

So wonderful - what a wonderful place to call home. I loved this blog entry!! Thanks for sharing. And I love, love, love the polka dot ribbons, it brings a smile to my face!

LPFish said...

It does take bravery to BLOG your own heart and home x thankyou!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, I bet the fairies love to live in your garden :)

Chichiboulie said...

Your house is so cute! This is a lovely blog post. Thank you so much.


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